dream dream dream dream dream dream dream dream dream dream dream dream
No!! im not gonna sing one of sharkboy's songs..he would kill me dammit..
<---shark boy sing!!
Ok..back to reality..ironically im not gonna talk about dreams..aaah yes..
so..we have dreams most people want to fulfill their dreams..some feel its impossible..but dreams are like energy boosters..we want our dreams too come true..nobody likes to see themselves living in a drain..
This are a few things men(but mostly me..in my opinion)..would like to come true..dreams i mean..
1.a hot girl
+Yes most guys would love this in front of them..except for gaymen!!
they would want him--->
its team jacob?
team edwurd..i dont know
i dont care..
ladies and men..
you pick!!
+sports is what makes us men feel manly..and we want to be sports stars..from this..it means we want a good career..chef,sportsmen,engineer..like some of the greats..Rooney,Jamie Oliver,Bill Gates,The late (and GREAT) Micheal Jackson and many others [except for Tiger Woods=
(dude where's my car)+(dude what happen to my mom)]
BLABLABLA..Picture from (click me)
+We love adventure..we want to fly into space..we want to live an extra-ordinary life..YES! It would be fabulous..if you don't mind broken arms,leg and neck!! and DEATH!!
+Yes, it would be nice to have a cool looking car with a stereo system that can break your ears and can go as fast as your head ripping apart from your body when the inertia of the car is too powerful..
Don't get too excited..thats all im saying..
+I rarely do find people who would think ahead..Its nice to feel happy with a significant other and have a family..have a job that you really love to do..and even though you grow old and wrinkly..its best to grow with a happy feeling than an unfulfilled and lonely feeling..this photo shows how its done..
Yes..sooo..Thats my thoughts on what men would dream of.. actually it would be my dreams..and..its cool..
I'm gonna have a Crunchie bar now..bye
dude ! nice blog :) haha. loving those pics.