Thursday, January 28, 2010

Addiction is a terrible thing....

yes it is a terrible thing..when you have important things to do at a job and school..but if you have to much free time and an ability to not be turn into a monster when having to much..

yes..cookie monster, the only "thing" to teach kids how to spell, count and how to not stop doing shit your suppose to smoking, drug abuse and other shit...back to what i wanted to say..people who have free time and an ability to do some shit without being an faceless shit-face...did that make sense..i don't know..but the reason I'm writhing this is i am addicted to Warhammer 40K and Red Alert 3...

Yes..they are awesome..but I am at least trying to not play games like some nerd who watched Star Wars Saga 2000 times while trying to figure out that Darth Vader used to be a bitching emo kid that whines about not being able to save his mom and his 'surprisingly' hot wife..a.k.a Padme..

yes.. SURPRISINGLY!! That what i thought..hehehe..but i was advice to get a job..but..i'm not in liberty to do that..I am however allowed to think of jobs..i have a few jobs in in medicine??

Okay.......maybe a bit too ambitious on that..but theres always teaching???

Yeah..I am not the best role model though..but hey working for the government doesn't seem so bad..but i am afraid it might not be worth the effort..

Yeah..thats my biggest concern..but i could always work for blogging and on the other hand there is neighborhood watch..but yeah..i might not be the best person for the job.. scratch that one..maybe i'll just stick to lego building, taking photos, surfing the interwebs and well, playing RTS games..and make armies..hehehe..

Yeah..but i am lazy sometimes..

I guess this is it..I am done..for now..and next i might be commenting on karaoke and something that "someone" wanted me to if you're reading this(the "someone" i was talking about)..It won't be long..okay?
Bye..and try not to get yourself killed for fuck sakes..alright? 

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